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Welcome to Kiae

What is Kiae?

Kiae is a CloudNative Application Develop Platform base on the Kubernetes and Istio.

Why Kiae?

Kubernetes and Istio are declarative softwares, and they are professional. So they are difficult to use for the application developer. For the company team, we usually build an internal cloud platform base on the Kubernetes. But it's always deeply integrated with the internal micro-services, and it's not integrated with Istio.

Kiae built a open-source cloud platform completely base on the Kubernetes and Istio.


  • Git integration (GitHub, BitBucket, GitLab)
  • Build image from the Git source repository
  • Automatically push image to the image registry
  • Deploy any image to multiple environments and multiple clusters
  • Application level Observability with the Open-Telemetry
  • Dependents management for the applications and the middlewares
  • ConfigFiles management base on the ConfigMap and Secret
  • Environments management for the multiple environments and multiple clusters
  • Routes management base on the Istio VisualServices
  • Entrypoint management base on the Istio IngressGateway
  • Access controls management base on the Istio AuthzPolicy
  • Web UI which provides real-time view of application activity
  • SSO Integration (OIDC, OAuth2, LDAP, SAML 2.0, GitHub, GitLab, Microsoft, LinkedIn)

Quick Start

Follow the full getting started guide to walk through install and then visit the self-hosted Kiae.

How does it work?